The Samsung Galaxy S23 5G is a high-end smartphone that was released in November 2023. It has a 6.1-inch Dynamic AMOLED 2X display with a 120Hz refresh rate and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor. The phone comes with 8GB of RAM and 128GB, 256GB, or 512GB of storage. The Galaxy S23 5G has a triple-lens rear camera system that consists of a 50MP main sensor, a 10MP ultrawide sensor, and a 12MP telephoto sensor. The front-facing camera is 10MP. The phone can record 8K video at 24fps. The Galaxy S23 5G is powered by a 4,000mAh battery and supports 25W fast charging. It is also water-resistant and dust-proof. The Samsung Galaxy S23 5G is a great option for anyone looking for a high-end smartphone with a powerful processor, a beautiful display, and a versatile camera system.