MyDigicel App Exclusive Offer

MyDigicel App Exclusive Offer

100VT for 1GB - Valid for 24 hours
Woman smiling at phone with Digicel logo in background

Promotion Details

MyDigicel App Exclusive offer just got better! Get 1GB for 100VT only valid 24hrs, this Exclusive offer is only available on MyDigicel App only under ‘MDA Spesel Offa’.

1.    Can customers opt-in to this plan on USSD?

No, customers cannot opt-in to this plan on USSD however they can opt-in to this plan via MyDigicel App.

2.    What is the validity of this plan?


3.    Is data rollover apply on this plan?

Yes data rollover is applied on this plan.

4.    Promotion start and end date?

Promotion starts on the 25th of Jan 2022 and is ongoing.

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