Credit Advance:IOU 2.0

Promotion Details
IOU is an additional service for our Digicel prepaid customers. IOU allows you to take an advance on credit (ABM), data or a voice bundle of $3 or $15.
For each IOU, Digicel will charge a service fee of 10% of the sum taken in advance. Upon your next top up, the amount taken in advance + 10% will be automatically deducted as Digicel service fee.
Start Date: 8th September 2024
End Date: TBC
1. How does the IOU 2.0 work?
1. Download MDA app via
2. Open MyDigicel Pacific App
3. Tap the Hamburger Menu in the top Left corner for the drop-down Menu.
4. Tap IOU Services
Note: In order for customer to IOU
· They must have an ABM balance of $0.50 sene or less
· No existing Overdraft Balance
2. Am I eligible for the IOU service? If not, how can my number be eligible?
To be eligible for the IOU service, you must have a prepaid number and 90+ (3 months) Age on network.
Customer must also frequently top up their number, as this shows customer will have a high chance of paying back their IOU.
The list is refreshed every 1-2 months.
· Post-paid, Digifix and new prepaid numbers are not entitled to IOU Credit Advance.
3. How do I pay back my IOU? How much is the fee?
Customers will be able to pay back credit or data in advance through any Top up method stated below.
(Diaspora, MyCash, Voucher scratch card, EVD) or Credit.
The service fee is set to 10% of the IOU/credit in advance amount.
4. What Offers are available for IOU?
Credit Advance Data Plan $3 Credit IOU Prime $3 $5 Credit IOU P rime $5 $10 Credit IOU Prime $13 $15 Credit IOU Prime $15
5. If I already have an outstanding IOU, will I be able to request for another IOU plan?
Yes, customers are able to do Multiple IOU’s even if the previous IOU has been partially repaid.
6. Is there a way for me to check how much I can IOU?
Yes, customers are able to check their IOU balance by following below steps. As customer uses IOU, this will be deducted from the overdraft balance or ‘IOU limit, until customer will no longer be able to use this service until IOU has been repaid.
1. Tap IOU Services on MDA
2. Enter your mobile number
3. Enter confirmation code (OTP)
7. Can I request for IOU while roaming?
Yes, customers will be able to use IOU to request for Credit while in roaming countries.
8. I can only IOU the Prime $3, are there any higher plans available and how can Increase my IOU Limit?
Yes, to increase your IOU limit, you must top up your number frequently.
IOU list is refreshed 1-2months.
1. How does the IOU 2.0 work?
1. Download MDA app via
2. Open MyDigicel Pacific App
3. Tap the Hamburger Menu in the top Left corner for the drop-down Menu.
4. Tap IOU Services
Note: In order for customer to IOU
· They must have an ABM balance of $0.50 sene or less
· No existing Overdraft Balance
2. Am I eligible for the IOU service? If not, how can my number be eligible?
To be eligible for the IOU service, you must have a prepaid number and 90+ (3 months) Age on network.
Customer must also frequently top up their number, as this shows customer will have a high chance of paying back their IOU.
The list is refreshed every 1-2 months.
· Post-paid, Digifix and new prepaid numbers are not entitled to IOU Credit Advance.
3. How do I pay back my IOU? How much is the fee?
Customers will be able to pay back credit or data in advance through any Top up method stated below.
(Diaspora, MyCash, Voucher scratch card, EVD) or Credit.
The service fee is set to 10% of the IOU/credit in advance amount.
4. What Offers are available for IOU?
Credit Advance | Data Plan |
$3 Credit | IOU Prime $3 |
$5 Credit | IOU P rime $5 |
$10 Credit | IOU Prime $13 |
$15 Credit | IOU Prime $15 |
5. If I already have an outstanding IOU, will I be able to request for another IOU plan?
Yes, customers are able to do Multiple IOU’s even if the previous IOU has been partially repaid.
6. Is there a way for me to check how much I can IOU?
Yes, customers are able to check their IOU balance by following below steps. As customer uses IOU, this will be deducted from the overdraft balance or ‘IOU limit, until customer will no longer be able to use this service until IOU has been repaid.
1. Tap IOU Services on MDA
2. Enter your mobile number
3. Enter confirmation code (OTP)
7. Can I request for IOU while roaming?
Yes, customers will be able to use IOU to request for Credit while in roaming countries.
8. I can only IOU the Prime $3, are there any higher plans available and how can Increase my IOU Limit?
Yes, to increase your IOU limit, you must top up your number frequently.
IOU list is refreshed 1-2months.
Promotion Terms & Conditions
a) New IOU service is accessible on MDA via
b) Whitelist is refreshed every 1-2 months.
c) All IOU credit and bundles will be charged to Overdraft balance.
d) 10% fee is applied to all IOU Credit and bundles.
e) To be able to view IOU offers, customer must ensure to have 50 sene or less credit balance.
Promotion Terms & Conditions
a) New IOU service is accessible on MDA via
b) Whitelist is refreshed every 1-2 months.
c) All IOU credit and bundles will be charged to Overdraft balance.
d) 10% fee is applied to all IOU Credit and bundles.
e) To be able to view IOU offers, customer must ensure to have 50 sene or less credit balance.